Thursday, 24 May 2012

Keep an eye out for SAMS in the papers...

A press release all about the first SAMS lecture has gone out to the papers today; hopefully someone will pick it up and we'll get some media coverage. In the meantime, you can check out the press release here.

Click here for a taster of some of the other medieval events held at the University of Sheffield. The students on a final year module put on a fantastic morning of workshops, performances and activities, whilst also creating the  fabulous trailer below.

If you have any suggestions for future medieval events, please let me know on
Hwæt! Wes hal! Come and join us for an evening’s venture into the  Anglo-Saxon and medieval world. Our varied lecture series will cover the literature,  language, history, art and material culture of the Middle Ages. Lectures will cost just £5, and are open to anyone. We’ll meet every three months on a Thursday evening.

The Sheffield Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Society was formed in February 2012 by Dr Becky Fisher (University of Sheffield) and Louise, a member of the Sheffield University of the Third Age. It is in this spirit of partnership that we hope SAMS will continue, creating opportunities for academics and members of the local community to share and explore their knowledge of the fascinating Middle Ages.

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